Psychological Emotion-Based Interventions for the Treatment Of Eating Behaviors in Obesity: State of the Art and Future Directions/Intervenciones psicológicas basadas en la emoción para el tratamiento de las conductas alimentarias en la obesidad: estado del arte y direcciones futuras

Erin Yaqueline Tovar Garza, Felipe de Jesús Díaz Reséndiz, Elba Mirella Arredondo Urtiz, Vanessa Monserrat Vázquez Vázquez


The link between obesity and the emotional factor has been widely studied, however, obesity treatment, including psychological, keep focusing on weight loss when it should be focusing on psychological factors like emotional regulation. Literature regarding psychological emotion-based interventions for obesity keeps growing exponentially and getting difficult to handle so it's convenient for students, professionals, and researchers in the field to have the relevant literature summarized. For that reason, this literature review compiles the main emotion-based interventions in obesity over the last 10 years. The information from 21 articles is synthetically presented, analyzed, and discussed on the basis of 3 topics: 1) Intervention approaches, 2) Outcome variables and 3) Future lines of research. Seven main intervention approaches were identified. Regarding the outcome variables, it is shown that changes occur mainly in eating behaviors and not in weight loss. For future lines of research, the authors suggested implementing experimental designs, as well as improving the clarity of the construct, measurements, and follow-up mechanisms.

Palabras clave

psychological interventions; emotional factors; eating behaviors; obesity.

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