Risk Eating Behavior, Family Functioning, Parental Practices and Parenting Styles Dyad Mother-Children/Conductas alimentarias de riesgo, funcionamiento familiar, prácticas maternales, y estilos de crianza en la díada madre-hijo

María Luisa Escamilla-Gutiérrez, Nelly Cruz-Ramírez, Brenda Karina Ramos-Hernández, Rosa Guadalupe Ramírez-Reséndiz, Juan Luis Arrieta-Villarreal, Rebeca Guzmán-Saldaña, Lilián Elizabeth Bosques-Brugada


This study aimed to establish the relationship between Risk Eating Behaviors (CAR), family functioning, parenting practices and styles. An experimental, cross-sectional design was used, with a type of correlative study; through a non-probabilistic sampling, N=67 mother-child dyads, n=67 primary school students (50.7% men; 49.3% women), with an average age of 10.16 years (D. E.= 0.68) and their mothers, with an average age of 37.8 years (D.E.= 3.82). The following instruments were applied: Scale of Risk Factors Associated with Eating Disorders (EFRATA-II), Family Functioning Scale, Parenting Practices Perception Scale for Children (EPPCN), and Parenting Styles Scale. Significant correlations were found between the variables, with the exception of CAR in men and the parenting styles perceived by mothers. The results enable the generation of programs for the prevention of risky eating behaviors, involving mothers as a support network for preteens

Palabras clave

Risk Eating Behavior; Family Functioning; Parenting Practices; Parenting Styles; Mother-Child Dyad

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20071523e.2024.1.764