Eating disorders (ED) are conditions whose genesis is related to alterations in body image, fear of gaining weight and the implementation of weight control behaviors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a 57% increase in the number of cases related to ED was reported, a situation that in turn demanded an increase in remote psychological services. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of an online group intervention under the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) model in women with eating behavior disorders. Eight women between 18 and 38 years of age (Mage=27.25, SD=8.328) participated in a non-probabilistic, purposive, quota-based sample. They completed a psychological battery consisting of a general data sheet and the EAT-26, BULIT and BSQ scales. They entered the Zoom® platform in groups, and the intervention consisted of 10 weekly sessions lasting approximately two hours. Intra-group analyses revealed a decrease in symptoms of anorexia (p = .028), bulimia (p = .004) and body dissatisfaction (p = .021), as well as at the individual level (CCO ≤ 0.20, ICF ≤ -1.96, score < CCR). Online type DBT has evidence of decreasing symptoms associated with ED, however, more studies should be conducted to improve the external validity of this type of therapy and modality of careReferences
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