ISSN-e: 2007-1523
A vision of fatness in Mexico: Validation of a set of scales to evaluate weight stigma and anti-obesity attitudes
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Estigma de Peso
Actitudes Anti Obesidad
Índice de Masa Corporal.

How to Cite

Villanueva Bustamante, M., & Rivera Aragón, S. (2025). A vision of fatness in Mexico: Validation of a set of scales to evaluate weight stigma and anti-obesity attitudes. Mexican Journal of Eating Disorders, 15(1), 104–116.


The social stigma that a person experience based on their weight and body image when they are perceived as larger than normal is known as Weight Stigma. On the other hand, Anti-Obesity Attitudes are the negative evaluations and perceptions that a person has towards overweight or obese people. Both phenomena have negative consequences on health, so it is necessary to determine how these phenomena are related and how they influence the development of overweight or obesity. However, in Mexico, there are still no instruments to evaluate these constructs. Thus, the objective of the present study was to validate the Stigmatizing Situations Inventory (SSI-M) and the Anti-Obesity Attitudes Scale (AFA-M) for the Mexican population. A culturally relevant validation process was carried out, which consisted of the translation-retranslation and adaptation of the items in another language, subsequently, these were subjected to an inter-judge agreement process to ensure that the adaptation was appropriate for the culture, finally, it was applied exploratory factor analysis to determine the factor structure and psychometric properties of both scales. Based on this process, two abbreviated scales with adequate psychometric properties were obtained (SSI-M, ω = .948; AFA-M, ω = 796). Likewise, the factors obtained present significant and positive correlations, providing evidence of convergent validity, and significant positive correlations with the Body Mass Index, providing the scales with evidence of criterion validity.
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