This work proposes to carry out a systematic review on the different readings on anorexia to describe the proposals of approach in psychoanalysis and its methodological perspectives. The systematic review, according to the PRISMA Declaration, will be carried out in July 2022 and fifteen scientific articles will be selected from seven databases (REDIB, SCIELO, Dialnet, REDALYC, DOAJ, SNRD and Portal Regional en Salud Organización Panamericana de la Salud) that refer to publications in Spanish between 2022-2012 taking as references the proposals of the psychoanalytic clinic on anorexia, where it is concluded about the similarities and differences in the approaches to the subject from psychoanalysis on the consideration of anorexia both at a theoretical and clinical-therapeutic level. Today's anorexia could be thought of as the response of some hysterical young people to this imperative: the subject insists on affirming his subjective division, rejecting the object that tries to fill it. It strives to house nothingness, the space of pure desire.
© Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios/Mexican Journal of Eating Disorders.